Our payroll
The increased tightness on the job market has made it increasingly difficult to get the right people in the right positions in the Netherlands. In different parts of the world, there are however still plenty of good people that can contribute added value in the Netherlands. These people, who have specific knowledge and experience, can be worth their weight in gold to your business.
MultiFlexx is a certified sponsor at the IND and can thus put highly skilled migrants on the payroll and lend them to your business. Without this certification, it is not permitted to bring highly-skilled migrants to the Netherlands. Our certification as a sponsor and extensive experience as a certified sponsor allow us to make sure the highly-skilled migrant can start working in the Netherlands as soon as possible. We also make sure the highly-skilled migrant receives the right salary, ensure net wages that are as favourable as possible and supervise the highly-skilled migrant throughout the whole process of coming to the Netherlands.